Our Speciality


PROPRIETOR:   MItesh P Gadhesariya & Bharat P Gadhesariya

Mihir Farm

Village: Surva gir,
Talala gir,
Gujarat. India.
E-Mail:-  gadhesariya.mitesh@gmail.com

Mobile : +91- 9979363752

On Hills

The land of mangoes, we specially sawing it in the red laterite soil in the foothills of Mount Girnar WITH BEST SUITABLE DRY CLIMATE. It is our “GOD - gift” to have such a nice combination of natural beauty. 

SUN Light

Our mangoes ripened have direct effect of sun-light. All the plants are grown with equal sun-light as well as shadow effect backed by mountain girnar.


On GOD GIFT hilly fertile land, we produce mainly kesar “queen”. We are specially sawing it in the red laterite soil considering as best for kesar “queen”.the red soil of our land blessing very fertile and rich with  minerals and with the sun and humidity that imparts a very unique aroma and flavor to its mangoes. 


Water "SONRAKH" (Gold Line Streams) From Marvella Hill - Water Source Only 5 km Away

The source of water is mainly the natural & beautiful “sonrakh” river bank which is just 5kms away from our destination. Thus, our mangoes are ripened with pure water which adds several benefits of its own as it is having the root from marvella hills. 


We stringently follow the method of organic farming which is 100% chemical free. Only the best organic farming methods, including vermin-composts, Mulching Processing, organic herbicides and modern drip irrigation techniques are used to manage our farms that offer 100% chemical-free crops.


The climate too is most favorable for the growth of these variety mangoes. The young plants have beautiful flowering. The atmosphere plays an important role for an overall development.


We completely follow the Israel farming process which enables our mango products to be the best. It is Managed & Designed scientifically through latest drip irrigation and fertilizing Netafim Irrigation Systems.

+ OUR 100% “LOVE”:

Although, Brindavan mango farm strictly follows scientific as well as Israel farming process, it’s not yet enough to be developed and grown without our 100% love. We take utmost care of our mango plants like our children. Ultimately, environment is our attitude.